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Andreas Weixler

Andreas Weixler
19:00 Ensemble ETSA

Born in 1963 and home grown in Graz, Austria as a self-taught guitarist and composer with a penchant for atonality, odd beats and electronics. He studied composition with Andrzej Dobrowolski and Younghi Pagh-Paan at the KUG in Graz and graduated with Beat Furrer.

ART - artistic activities:

Andreas Weixler currently specialises in contemporary composition and improvisation with multi-channel live electronics and high quality net performance. As a performer, he plays electric guitar in a contemporary style with real-time electronics in Austria, Japan, Australia, France, Croatia, Slovenia, Denmark, Norway, Ohio and recently online.

He has presented more than 200 compositions and media works in 26 countries in the fields of computer music, audiovisual interactivity, contemporary composition, theatre, dance, visual arts, film and video, which have received their world premieres at more than 250 international festivals and conferences - ICMC, SMC, ISEA, NIME and many others, in Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, England, Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Belgium, Italy, Holland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Canada, Colombia, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia and the USA - portrait concerts in Austria, Switzerland, the USA and the UK.

Together with Se-Lien Chuang he runs the Atelier Avant Austria since 1996 with a focus on the development of audiovisual interactive systems and audiovisual real-time/non-real-time processing, computer music and algorithmic composition. In 2018, the ICMA - International Computer Music Association awarded Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang the best European work for their audiovisual interactive work.

LEC - teaching activities:

He teaches computer music as an associate university professor and head of the Computer Music Studio at the Anton Bruckner Private University and as a lecturere at Interface Culture in Linz and senior lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. His concepts led to invitations for concerts and lectures in Europe, Asia, North and South America. Andreas held 60 international workshops and lectures in the field of audiovisual interaction, virtuoso chances, algorithmic composition, realtime / non-realtime, iScore, Max, contemporary composition in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA, Canada, Australia, Austria, Germany, Swiss, Sweden, England/UK, Northern Ireland/UK.