Banner Alpenglow 9 Styria meets Serbia

Alpenglow: Ensemble Ï

Ensemble Ï Teaser Picture
Stockwerk, Graz/AT
Start Time

Annette Giesriegl – vocals (A), Roman Trubchaninov – sax (UA), Anna Grenzner – cello (ESP), Seppo Gründler – guitar, electronics (A), Nick Acorne – piano, electronics (UA)

ENSEMBLE Ï / Ukrainian & Styrian Improvisers  
directed by Nick Acorne (UA)

Als vorerst letzte Station des Kulturaustausches mit der Ukraine treffen sich Komponist und Performer Nick Acorne, Vokalistin Annette Giesriegl, Cellistin Anna Grenzner, Saxophonist Roman Trubchaninov und Elektro-Gitarrist Seppo Gründler im Stockwerk/Graz. Oszillierend zwischen freier Improvisation und Struktur werden die vier MusikerInnen nach einer disharmonischen Balance zwischen elektronischer und akustischer Musik suchen. Die performativen Qualitäten des Ensembles versprechen ein Konzerterlebnis vom Feinsten.

Nick Acorne

Nick Acorne Pressefoto


Nick Acorne is a versatile sound artist, who works as composer, sound designer, interactive media artist and performer. Through his 15 years experience in the field of music he worked with variety of genres, sound languages and esthetics. Holding a degree in both classical composition, electronic composition and sound design, he combines very often  live recorded acoustic musical instruments with computer processed or generated electronic sounds. Playing himself piano he developed an impressive piano performance “Rubilovo”.

Working the last 5 years in the field of interactive art he combines his composer proficiency with programming knowledge and creates together with colleagues interactive sound installations for museums, churches and festivals. Nick developed also his own DIY sensor based instrument The Sensor Board, which he uses for live performances of Elektrichka Trio, as well as also for solo concerts.

Mo., 4. Dez. 2023, 20:00

Stockwerk, Jakominiplatz 18, Graz (AT)

Eintritt: € 10,- / 7,-

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und an der Abendkasse